Some peoples

A few pictures from a previous weekend sketching some people for a change - continuing to try and better see features to caricature (special thanks for Brett, the strong chined fellow, at Sketchgroup).

After having my art bag stolen (namely my big moleskin with most of the drawings below) I'm working away in several new sketchbooks, with more animals/creatures to come.  Thankfully I have good scanning habits. I do, however, hope the thief gets severely punished by karma.

ALSO - my friend Jesse is busting out awesome speedy fun characters on a daily pace (yes, thats right).  Please have a quick look, hes awesome at what he does.  Currently, masses of League of Legend re-designs:


  1. the first one kind of looks like jason, lol.

  2. stolen art bag!? seriously that's some awful stuff dude.

    your caricature stuff is looking pretty slick, nice push on the features with that realistic amount of detail. keep it up pal and thanks for the shout out!

    Let me know about the next sketchgroup i miss em.


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